All Attack Move List in Slave Zero X – In this guide, I have made a compilation of all the attack moves in Slave Zero X and what button activates these moves.
All Attack Move List in Slave Zero X
Light Attack: L
Heavy Attack: H
Run: Forward ForwardLight Attacks:
Neutral light string: LLL
Crouched light string: down + LLL
Kick launcher: Up + L
Running light: L when running
Running Frame: Down while running
Light Attacks:
Antenna light cord: LL while Airborne
Divekick: Down + L (Cancel to jump on hit)
Heavy Attacks:
Punch: H (can be held to charge) (can be canceled by itself in Fatal Sync)
Stinger to Launcher: Forward + HH
Earth Spike: Down + H
Uppercut: Up + H
Air Heavy Attacks:
Ground bounce Slash: H in the air
Izuna Drop: Up + H in midair
Helmbreaker: Down + H in midair
EX Moves:
EX Punch: LH (can be held to charge) (can be canceled into each other in Fatal Sync)
EX Stinger to Launcher: Forward + LHH
EX Ground Spike: Down + LH
EX Uppercut: Up + LH
Air EX Moves:
EX Ground bounce Slash: LH in the air
EX Izuna Drop: Up + LH in the air
EX Helmbreaker: Down + LH
Secret Arts: (requires full meter or fatal sync)
Godslayer: 222 LH
Raging Demon: LL62H268
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