How To Recover Lost Footage in Content Warning – The last time we explained how you can find your saved recordings, this guide will help you recover your lost videos.
How To Recover Lost Footage in Content Warning
If you happen to meet a tragic fate, either by your own decision or from a friend below, and lose your camera with all your footage, it’s not the end for you.
{This death was caused by a spider. It’s hard to tell, but he was webbing me and basically pulling me into a T-pack, you can see his leg in the middle of the screen on the right.}Return To The Depths
Now get up and grab your new video camera, you’ve got a whole new day of SpookTubing ahead of you.
Searching For Lost Footage
So now you have to go back into the dark with the new camera to find the new shots together with the old camera.
Always have someone ready if you’re with a group to pick up the camera to avoid dropping it in the first place.
If you know you’re going to die before you get to the diving bell, do your best to get as close to the back as possible, and before you die, even throw the camera towards the area you need to go or the area you’ll remember. when you come back next day.
Death is not something you can avoid when exploring the sea, but you can help secure your footage for SpookTube.
Don’t forget the camera either. It sounds silly, but leave a flashlight or other equipment instead. Equipment is expendable, views must not be.
After exploring, you’ll notice a black object on the ground, and sometimes it may even flash/constantly glow blue, symbolizing that it still has power.
This would have your old camera pick out the bad guy and let him come back to the surface if you’ve had enough of the creepy footage.
Transfer Video To Disc Format
Don’t worry, snap them both in there separately.
(Warning: Recommended not to install both at the same time, it may cause errors and video processing errors.)
Now you should get two similar discs and you can watch them both one after the other around the house.
Get that bread and creepy stares
Now all that’s left is to upload the spooker.
Enjoy your content that you died to get.
Don’t forget to report your local strange happenings that you may see or any local residents.
They seem friendly. DO NOT APPROACH…
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Written By: サムライウルフ産業