How To Stack Lich King Damage in Rotwood

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How To Stack Lich King Damage in Rotwood – Have you been facing issues defeating one of the game’s bosses? This guide I prepared will help you stack some Lich King damage.

How To Stack Lich King Damage in Rotwood

It sucks all the fun out of playing the game and defeating the boss. But if you’re struggling, you know.

This will likely be disproved in the future.

How Does Lich King Work?

As pictured below, you will take 10/20/30% damage for the rest of the hunt each time you revive your ally during combat.

How To Stack Lich King Damage in Rotwood

The key point to take away is that this will only work during combat – meaning there must be at least one enemy alive in the clearing to get stacks.

This “tech” / cheese also works best in Standard and Frenzy 1, as it revives the cost’s health in Frenzy 2 and above.

Here you can see some high damage from light attacks.

How To Stack Lich King Damage in Rotwood

Tips for getting stacks

Generally speaking, you can do it however you want – all you need is to get the Lich King and a friend who is willing to die over and over for your rise to power.

The fastest way to achieve this so far is to use environmental damage as it leaves less room for error. In the picture below, we used thorny plants to self-harm.

Once you get tired of sacrificing your friend and get the couple to 1000% – you can continue the game and clap the boss with a few hits.

How To Stack Lich King Damage in Rotwood

In the image above, I used Gnarlic Head Stalk to damage the boss by walking.

How To Stack Lich King Damage in Rotwood

Grave Robber is the cherry on top. Which works the same as the Lich King, except it deals Treffa instead of damage.

How To Stack Lich King Damage in Rotwood

You don’t need it, but it’s synergistic with the Lich King.

Thanks for reading our post on How To Stack Lich King Damage in Rotwood, make sure always to drop comments, and don’t also forget that suggestions are allowed.

Written By:  Dracko

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