Incursion Red River AI Custom Difficulty Settings

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Incursion Red River AI Custom Difficulty Settings – This guide covers everything you need to set up the custom AI settings in this game.

Incursion Red River AI Custom Difficulty Settings

Choosing Custom Settings for AI

Options -> Gameplay -> AI Settings

Here you have 4 options:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
  • Custom

Selecting “Custom” opens up many variables that you can change that affect the AI’s behavior while you’re on a mission.

Custom AI difficulty settings

Reaction time

“How long will it take for them to see you react, before they start to attack.”

This ranges from 0.00 -> 2.00. My guess is it’s in seconds.

0.00 means they will react immediately when they see you. 2.00 means they have to see you for two full seconds before they react to you.

AI Memory Length

“It determines how long the AI ​​will search for players, for example.”

This ranges from 30 -> 90. Again, my estimate is in seconds.

This sets the time for the AI ​​to revert to an “all clear” state. Their “active” state can be triggered by various things such as seeing you / looking for you, hearing a gunshot, seeing a teammate, seeing one of their AI buddies shoot, etc.

Threshold of Perception

“How well do any need to be perceived by the AI before you are seen.”

This ranges from 0.10 -> 0.50

Without actual developer metrics, this is an educated guess of the variables. 0.10 might mean the AI ​​only needs to see your shadow to know you’re there, while 0.50 might mean they need to see you with a gun pointed at them before they realize what you’re up to.

Reaction range

“What’s the range (in meters) in which an AI perceives players?”

This ranges from 100 -> 400.

Pretty self-explanatory. Sets the maximum range at which the AI ​​can “see” you between 100 and 400 meters. For perspective, if you set this to 400 meters, the AI ​​will see you from a quarter of a mile away.

Range of Perception lost
“What’s the range (in meters) in which an AI ​​loses the presence of the player.”

This ranges from 100 -> 500.

Another self-explanatory setting. If a player at a distance exceeds this setting, the AI ​​will “lose sight” of you. It is important to note that this setting cannot be set lower than the previous setting.

These two adapt accordingly. (If your perception range is set to 200, you cannot have a perception range loss of 150. The AI ​​cannot lose sight of you and see you at the same time.)

Perception angle
“What’s the angle (in degrees) left/right in which an AI perceives players?”

This ranges from 30 -> 90.

The angle from the AI’s point of view looking forward at which they can see you. 30 degrees is a very narrow view, while 90 is a wide-angle view.

The Lost angle of perception
“At what angle (in degrees) left/right does the AI ​​lose sight of the player.”

This ranges from 30 -> 90.

Determines the angle from the AI’s point of view when looking ahead that it will lose sight of you. Like perception range, this and the previous settings work together. You cannot have Perception Angle Loss lower than Perception Angle.

Target At Bone

“The bone of the player that is the target.”

This is not a scope. It’s multiple-choice. You can select “head”, “spine_01”, “spine_02” and “spine_03”.

It simply determines where the AI ​​will aim when it starts shooting at you.

On Target Aim Threshold

“Determines how large the radius of the hit is. 1 = 1 meter around the target bone.”

This ranges from 0.40 -> 1.00.

This variable determines how accurate the AI ​​is to its designated target between 0.4 meters and 1 meter.

Deliberate number of shots

“How many shots should we spend per volley/shot? Some weapons have fixed values ​​(Snipers & Shotguns)”

This ranges from 0 to 5.

This determines how well the AI’s accuracy is. Some weapons (Snipers & Shotguns) cannot have this variable set for obvious reasons. However, it can be with any other weapon. 0 says the AI ​​won’t miss. 5 means he is praying for something to hit.

Deliberate Miss Time

“How long after sensing the player does the AI ​​intentionally miss the target.”

This ranges from 0.0 -> 5.0

Another pretty self-explanatory setting. Once the AI ​​sees you, how long does it take for the game to tell the AI ​​to intentionally miss a shot? 0.0 means absent immediately. 5.0 says it will take them 5 seconds to miss on purpose.

Deliberate Miss Reset Time

“The longer we should wait before restarting the intentional omission timer, the higher the chance that the AI ​​will not miss after going into cover.”

This ranges from 1.0 -> 20.0

This may be worded a bit clumsily, but it means that once the previous setting (Intentional Skip Time) has been triggered, how long does the AI ​​have to wait before restarting the Intentional Skip Time? If you set this to 1, it will be pretty much instant. 20 means they have some time to give you a good shot before they reconsider the mistake.

Deliberate Miss Angle

“The angle the AI ​​misses during the deliberate miss time.”

This ranges from 5 to 40.

When the AI ​​misses you on purpose, how wide are their misses? This determines this setting. 5 means they are missing but still pretty close. 40 means they are nowhere near you with their shots.

Thanks for reading our post on Incursion Red River AI Custom Difficulty Settings, make sure always to drop comments, and don’t also forget that suggestions are allowed.

Written By:  Sajakain

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