How To Get All Achievements In Playing Kafka – You will need to complete TWO playthroughs in order to get all the achievements related to this chapter.
How To Get All Achievements In Playing Kafka
Please keep in mind that the dialogue options you choose have no effect on the plot or achievements other than the ones shown here, so feel free to choose anything.
Story Base Achievements
You should receive this achievement regardless of the storyline you choose at the end of the chapter.
First Playback
For you to get this particular achievements, you need to choose a storyline which is related to getting help from Lawyer Huld. Therefore, when you have the opportunity, you must accept his help.
This appears after Leni makes a noise and later both the lawyer and Leni leave the room you are in, one on each side. Go to the lawyer page and select yes:
You should get success later regardless of the options you choose later.
To get this achievement, you must try to throw Lawyer Huld through the hole in the wall (as shown in the image above).
(Thanks to the people who told me how to get it as I had no idea)
Second Playthrough
This time, after each person has gone to one side, go to where Leni is and accept her help the same way you accepted Hulda’s help before.
You should get the achievement later regardless of other options.
There are only two achievements associated with this chapter, and only one of them is unmissable.
Story Base Achievements
You get this achievement at the end of the chapter once you complete it.
Missable Achievement
To get this achievement, just arrange the shelf as shown in the picture above.
Once you arrange your bookshelf like this, you will get an achievement after your father approves it.
The Castle
All achievements in this chapter are story based so you can’t miss them (as far as I know).
You will get this achievement once you complete the entire chapter regardless of the options you choose during the game.
You get this achievement after successfully exiting outside of your two co-workers.
To do this, you need to close the door with the tables and light them, then throw them out the window and close them.
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Written By: Iv_25