How To Create Steam Workshop Item for Quasimorph

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How To Create Steam Workshop Item for Quasimorph – This guide will officially teach you how you can mod this game for better game experience.

How To Create Steam Workshop Item for Quasimorph

Subscribe to the official developer console mod.

Restart the game and the Steam client.

Any mod in Qusimorph requires modmanifest.json, *.dll and thumbnail.png as a minimum.

To generate the manifest, use the mod_createmanifest console command, where unique_mod_name is a string (only letters, numbers, and underscores) and contentPath is the path to the mod content (where modmanifest.json and all mod content should be stored).

After successfully generating the manifest, you need to open it in any text editor and replace ModAssemblyFilenameHere with the relative path to your mod assembly dll. (A tip for report generation will be described later).

You are then ready to create a workshop item for your mod.

Run the mod_createworkshopitem console command, where contentPath is the path to the folder with modmanifest.json.

During the execution of the command, a Steam workshop item is created with the initial content.

Keep the displayed item ID for future reference (required to submit an update request).

To update mod content, you need to run the mod_updateworkshopitem console command with the given item id, content path.

If you want to upload a thumbnail, add “TRUE” as the third parameter of the command.

The thumbnail should be located in contentpath/thumbnail.png.

This might just be the only way to upload the mod thumbnail.

Don’t forget to subscribe to your mod and make it visible to other users when you’re done.

Console Modding Commands

mod_createmanifest – Create a mod manifest on the given path. Syntax: mod_createmanifest <unique_mod_name> <path to content>

mod_createworkshopitem – Create a Steam workshop item. Warning! This command will create a new entity in steam, keeping the created id. Syntax: mod_createworkshopitem <path to content>

mod_updateworkshopitem – Steam workshop item update. Syntax: mod_updateworkshopitem <item_id> <contentPath> <update_thumbnail>

mod_listworkshopitems – List of all Steam Workshop items created by the current user.
listmod – List of all currently active mods.

How to Build a Mod with Access to Game Code (JetBrains Rider)

Create a new Unity class library solution.

How To Create Steam Workshop Item for Quasimorph

Click RMB on Dependencies in the Explorer block.

How To Create Steam Workshop Item for Quasimorph

Browse to the Quasimorph game folder and find the Assembly-CSharp.dll file inside, add it as a dependency.

How To Create Steam Workshop Item for Quasimorph

Now you have access to the code of the Quasimorph game, in order to call the code, you need to create a public static method with the Hook attribute (all types of hooks will be described later) as shown below:

using MGSC;

namespace ModName
public static class ModMain
public static void AfterConfigsLoaded(IModContext context)
// This is where the mod code runs

Each hook method must have an IModContext parameter to be called from the game.

After building, you need to copy the target.dll into the mod content folder. No UnityEngine or Assembly-CSharp.dll dependencies!

Types of Hooks

MGSC.ModHookType.BeforeBootstrap – Called before any game initialization code.

MGSC.ModHookType.AfterConfigsLoaded – Called after loading game configs during initialization.

MGSC.ModHookType.AfterBootstrap – Called after initializing the game, before entering the main menu.

MGSC.ModHookType.MainMenuStarted – Called after the main menu game mode has been initialized and started.

MGSC.ModHookType.MainMenuDestroyed – Called after the main menu game mode has been destroyed, but before the next game mode is started.

MGSC.ModHookType.DungeonStarted – Called after initializing and starting the dungeon game mode.

MGSC.ModHookType.DungeonFinished – Called after a dungeon game mode is destroyed, but before the next game mode is started.

MGSC.ModHookType.DungeonUpdateBeforeGameLoop – Call every frame in dungeon mode before the game loop ticks.

MGSC.ModHookType.DungeonUpdateAfterGameLoop – Call every frame in dungeon mode after the game loop is ticked.

MGSC.ModHookType.SpaceStarted – Called after initializing and starting space game mode.

MGSC.ModHookType.SpaceFinished – Called after destroying a space game mode, but before starting the next game mode.

MGSC.ModHookType.SpaceUpdateBeforeGameLoop – Calls each frame in space mode before the game loop ticks.

MGSC.ModHookType.SpaceUpdateAfterGameLoop – Calls every frame in space mode after the game loop is ticked.

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Written By: Zeleboba

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