Ova Magica Blobpedia and Abilities (Early Access 0.6)

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Ova Magica Blobpedia and Abilities (Early Access 0.6) – Basic blobpedia that includes entry number, name, location (how to get), ability and ability description.

Ova Magica Blobpedia and Abilities (Early Access 0.6)

Below is a hand-collected blobpedia.

There may be a few typos or missing information.

The 36 below are available blobs in current Early Access.

Please note that the descriptions are not official.

NumberBlobLocation/SourceAbilityAbility Description (Self-Written)
#4CowJade Shop (+Barn Event)Produce MilkProduces milk at night
#5HenJade ShopProduce EggProduces egg at night
#6PigFlint ShopProduce MeatProduces meat at night
#7SheepFlint ShopProduces YarnProduces yarn at night
#8BeeBeekeepers ShopProduce HoneycombProduces honeycomb at night
#10MusicFestivalLullabyPuts wild blobs to sleep
#11CloverFestivalProduce CoinsProduces coins at night, scales with level
#13WeatherFestivalRainbowSpawns a Rainbow above Clover Town
#14AcornFestivalRejuvenationTransforms a (Fruit) Tree into a Seed. Can only be used one per day
#16CupidFestivalLove SpellIncreases Friendship Level
#17DeerWild (Blob World)
#18PartyFestivalFireworksShoots festive fireworks
#19KiwiHealth Wheel SpinSeed ScoopWhen fed a crop, blob produces a seed
#20CrowWild (Secret-ish)
#21ButterflyWild (Secret-ish)Produce ButterflyProduces butterflies at night
#22DragonflyWild (Fishing)
#23LotusWild (Fishing)HealingHeals blobs in an area
#24MushroomWild (Cave/Blob World)Produce MushroomProduces a mushroom at night. Can be blue, brown, or yellow.
#25BatWild (Cave/Blob World)UltrasonicStuns bugs so they don’t fly away
#26RockWild (Cave)StompLoosens farm plots in an area
#28FoxWild (Blob World)
#29TreeWild (Blob World)Tree BoostAdvanced growth and production of fruit trees, including coconut trees in Pirate World
#30AnglerWild (Fishing/Blob World)Light BaitCreates a light zone to increase fishing spawns
#31BeachWild (Fishing/Blob World)
#32BombWild (Blob World)ExplosionDamages objects in an area (stones, ore, wood, etc.)
#36CrabWild (Fishing/Blob World)
#50OrcaWild (Fishing)
#52PenguinWild (Fishing)
#56PorcupineWild (Blob World)
#61SnowmanGift + Wild (Fishing)
#64TurtleWild (Fishing/Blob World)SprinklerWater crops in an area

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Written By: PinkGeeRough

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