Fate/stay night REMASTERED Shirou Emiya Guide

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Fate/Stay Night REMASTERED Shirou Emiya Guide – This guide will help you become the real Shirou Emiya.

Fate/stay night REMASTERED Shirou Emiya Guide

Step 1. Devote your whole life to saving people

Help your classmates clean up after the club, volunteer at the local shelter, be the person who runs into the fire to save the kitten.

Step 2. Get training mode

50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, and 10 high jumps every day.

Step 3. Learn to cook

Fate/Stay Night REMASTERED Shirou Emiya Guide

This is an important step you need to take to be the ideal male wife for your future love interest. A helpful way to complete this step is to watch “Today’s Menu for the Emiya Family”.

Step 4. Solve the trolly problem

This problem is just deep-state propaganda to prevent you from completing step 1. Just know that you would simply save everyone.

Step 5. Leave home

Fate/Stay Night REMASTERED Shirou Emiya Guide

Leave home and leave your loved ones to go to the Middle East to stop all the conflicts going on there.

Step 6. Contract with Alaya (optional)

This basically condemns you to eternal slavery after death, but it’s good because you’ll be able to use your reality marble earlier than normal, and you’ll also be able to continue helping people even in death.

Step 7. I am the bone of my sword

Repeat the UBW chant every morning, every night, even if you are cornered in battle. This will eventually lead to you manifesting your reality even without completing step 6.

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Written By: Seen

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