Thank Goodness You’re Here 100% Achievement Guide

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Thank Goodness You’re Here 100% Achievement Guide – Achievements guide for 100% of this game with minimal spoilers

Thank Goodness You’re Here 100% Achievement Guide

You “get these” achievements

To unlock them, just play the game:

  1. Visit Barnsworth
  2. In for a Penny
  3. Enough for Everyone
  4. The Beans are on the Windowsill!
  5. Cream of the Crop
  6. Open for Business
  7. The People’s Princess
  8. Milk Shy No More
  9. Still At Large
  10. Breakfast in Bed
  11. Thank Goodness it’s Over!

Optional achievements


I’ve arranged them in order so you can remember which things you need to do at the beginning of your playthrough.

Lovely Pair

Make sure you jump over the fence near the guy in the green overalls and interact with the red lawnmower when you first visit Town Square.

Sick as a Fig

Right after the locksmith helps you open Mother Megg’s shop, slap him until you get the achievement

Mole Supper

Jump over the fence on the other side of the park and bump into piles of dirt until the mole invites you to dinner. It will reappear later when you go down the well (the third time) and get the achievement.

Everything Must Go

In the lower left of the square, some guy is trying to open, he comes across shutters that he is trying to open.

The second time you visit the square you will hit a wall This is important because it will unlock the next achievement in the row.

Bobby Knocker

Hit EVERY door, start early as some doors open later in the game so if you don’t hit them early you may miss out on the achievement.

Think F.A.S.T

Visit the pub every time you pass through the square, at one point the barman will start telling you about his favorite drinks, listen and you will get success.

The Ol’One Two

Each time you walk through the square, attack the police booth in the square. You will get an achievement towards the end

A Fine Mess

On your first visit to a Price Shaggers store, help “clear” the shelves.

Done Up Like a Kipper

Help the fishmonger organize his fish every time you pass by, making sure to hit EVERY fish as many times as needed.

Cheek to Cheek

Hit the stock of the guy who works at the hamburger stand, he’s in the lower left of the market. You must do this every time you pass through the area.

Lights Out

When you go back to the garden the second time, some guys are bullying Charlie…join in.

Final form

When you enter the meat dimension, smack ALL the meat you find.

Tough Tatties

When you cut the pieces at the fish and chip shop, wait for the potatoes to finish.

Menage a Trois

When you are helping the gardener open the fertilizer bag, drop to the left of the bag and continue left until you are in the house.

Shell Shocked

Slap ALL the snails when they appear

Spill The Beans

If you’ve completed the Everything Must Go achievement, hit the bean can in the “shop” at the end of the game.

Green Fingers

After being advised not to do this, hit the face in the area of ​​ALL the flowers.

No Post on Tuesdays

Hit EVERY mailbox

The Rat Pack

Find the trio of singing rats three times, located in:

  • Square
  • Market
  • Next to the Fish and Chips shop

Friend of the Forest

Talk to ALL animals:

  • Find the mink in the boxes and in the back of Mother Megg’s warehouse
  • Find the trio of singing rats at least once
  • When you arrive, find the mole in the square
  • Find the owl in the tree near the farm
  • Find the ducks in the stream, hit the toaster, and give them bread (not sure if this will help but better to be safe than sorry)

Patience is a virtue

Start a new game and wait in the receptionist’s office, do not leave the chair. About 15 minutes later you complete the game and get the achievement.

Thanks for reading our post on Thank Goodness You’re Here 100% Achievement Guide, make sure always to drop comments, and don’t also forget that suggestions are allowed.

Written By:  The Fool

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